Love is Love: Personalism and Sexual Fulfillment

Taught by Mark Evan Lemoine

Love is Love: Personalism and Sexual Fulfillment

Taught by Mark Evan Lemoine

How to reach fulfillment in love and sexuality based on Karol Wojtyla's personalistic vision. This course is even great for people who don't believe in God!

Catholic Church Doctrine
100% online
Updated 10/08/2020
Watch the video presentation to get more details about the course.

What you'll learn

Understanding the path to true sexual/personal fulfillment

Basic understanding of the integral personalistic vision

Basic understanding of sexual ethics

The foundation for personalistic sexology

What is this course about?

Regarding human sexuality, most people fall into two main categories: puritanism or permisivism. Either people reject all pleasure and joy in sexuality, or they seek only pleasure. The personalistic vision basically understands that our sexuality is not only biological, but rather personal. And sexual fulfillment only exists when our sexual behavior leads us to the integral fulfillment of the human person. We must find a way to enjoy our sexuality fully, but always at the service of the dignity of the human person and at the service of true intimacy.

The same works for our digestive health as well. Enjoying the pleasure of eating is a great and natural part of human life, but we have to make sure the food isn't just tasty, but that it is also healthy. If our only criteria for eating were the taste, then we would probably all have an eating disorder, or possibly even be starving. So with sexuality, if our sexual behavior does not lead to true intimacy and fulfillment, then it's probably not a healthy sexual behavior. 

Real sexual fulfillment and satisfaction comes from learning to love fully, from the mutual, permanent, exclusive commitment to the integral good of the human person. The sexual act is meant to be a spousal act, and act of total self-giving, union and openness to its creative potential.

Course content

2 modules
6 lessons
1h 47m course duration
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Module 1
The Personalistic Vision on Love
3 lessons
If we can talk so much in today’s world about healthy eating habits, why is it so unacceptable culturally to open up conversation about healthy sexual habits. What is true happiness and how can we find it? What is love? What is intimacy? What is the path to true fulfillment?

Personalism means seeking always the integral good of every human person. It means never reducing someone to the level of a disposable instrument or a mere service provider. It means moving beyond utilitarianism and liberalism. 

The Integration of Love
Romantic love is not only a feeling, nor is it only self-giving. It is a combination of both. It is a spontaneous experience and it is a virtue. It means falling in love and also learning to love. The integration of love means integrating the enjoyment of the love experience with the virtue and commitment to the integral good of one another.

The Spousal System of the Human Person
Our sexuality is so much more than a question of biology. On a biological level most would reduce it to a mere ‘reproductive system’ meant for perpetuating the species, others would reduce it to a mere ‘orgasmic system’ meant for sexual arousal and orgasm. On a personal level, it is truly a ‘spousal system’ meant to lead us to spousal love and fulfillment.

Spousal Love and Sexuality
How can we live our sexuality in a way the reflects and deepens spousal love? How to integrate the biological impulse toward pleasure and reproduction toward true spousal self-giving as gift, communion and creator?

Sexual Self-Giving vs. Sexual Instrumentalization
The path to true sexual intimacy is through total mutual self-giving. The sexual act is not just a nice way to express affection, or a like a flower you give as a present to someone you have feeling for. The sexual act is when YOU are the gift. 



  • This is an introduction and requieres no prior studies
Licenciado en Bellas Artes en LSU (Louisiana State University), con Especialidad en Psicología. Maestro en Humanidades por la Universidad Anáhuac de México. Graduado en la Maestría en Ciencias de la Familia en el Instituto Juan Pablo II. Certificado en Teología del Cuerpo por el Theology of the Body Institute de Philadelphia. Co-fundador, profesor y expositor principal del Instituto Amar al Máximo. Profesor de Teología del Cuerpo en UD (University of Dallas). Profesor de la Facultad del Theology of the Body Institute de Philadelphia. Evan Lemoine se apasionó por la Teología del Cuerpo en 2002 ya desde ese entonces se ha dedicado a estudiarla, profundizar en ella y difundirla a adultos, jóvenes y adolescentes por todo el mundo de habla-hispana. Es profesor y conferencista internacional sobre la visión personalista de la sexualidad y el amor humano, y trabaja con personas de todas edades e ideologías sobre temas de identidad, sexualidad, amor, noviazgo, vocación, matrimonio, intimidad y educación sexual. Su pasión, dinamismo y profundidad han ayudado a miles de personas a descubrir la fuerza transformadora del amor en la Teología del Cuerpo. Es el autor del libro: Hacernos Uno: Construyendo un amor para siempre.

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